Travel agency project

Travel Agency project front-end

Sign numbers recognition

Sign numbers recognition with speech, ml5 and Teachable machine used, need a camera to work

Codepen Clone

CodePen Clone done with reactjs


RPD fourier drawing

EyeTracker Swipe

try clicking in each section while looking at your cursor, more explanation in readme file

Lorem gen

random lorem generator

Covid Stats

Covid Tracker project using official API

Board game AI

old project done in java, contact me for info on code

ML5 test

first version of app using ml5 object detection

Countdown New Year

Countdown Application


Simple movie application with overview

Github Card

Using API to make git card

Weather Application

Type a city and see the weather !


Background Theme Swapper, i'll add text color change

EarthQuake Data

2D version of my Earthquake data project, click on github to see the 3D model


Small project where childrens find destination by avoiding collision and optimize path

Approximating PI Value

Define Pi Value using random function and simple Math. Idea is fascinating!

Sorting Array Visualisation

Visualisation of a Sorting array Algorythm while making a beautiful rainbow !!


Convert Image to ASCII art !

Binary Search Tree

Creating Binary Tree Structure with recursion, for practicing. Doesn't have Graphic implementation

Block Waves

Simple 3D Graphic effect, waves created with function sin()

Circle Packing + QuadTree

Display image with not intersecting circle. Circle creating in the specific range where center is mouse Position. For improving preferments I used QuadTree for detecting nearest circles.

Code Rain

Creating Code Rain as close as in Matrix, You can put any text for displaying at the end.

Dijkstra's Algorithm

Implement Dijkstra's Algorithm for better understanding how it work. Create simple graphic interface. Nodes position define by random. You can change it manually, just double click on choosing node for change his position.

Edge Detection

Implementing Canny's Edge Detection Algorithm, which contain 5 simple steps. On each mouse click, next step will run. On menu You can enable/disable some step or change filters value (just hover on it and values will appear)

Fire Effect

Creating Fire Effect with specific calculation on matrix. I forced to decrees fire quality for better performance. You can create small fire when you pressing on the field

Fire Effect + QuadTree

Trying to improve performance on calculation fire effect with QuadTree


Creating Fireworks effect. Just for fun!
When you press on the canvas more fireworks will shot but don't press too much!

Flocking Simulation

Simulate a flocking behavior using Steering Behavior and 3 simple rules: Separation, Alignment, Cohesion

Flow Field

Implement Flow Field, this effect is possible because of Vectors Field (vectors define by Perlin Noise). (Similar to when ink drop into water)

Fourier Series

I like a gif from wikipedia(Fourier Series), so created a similar one.

Fractal Spirograph

Creating simple Fractal Figure, that is drawing some shapes. Mouse X - change amount of circles. Mouse Y - change size of this circles. On mouse Click - change equation on (-1)^n. On double Click - change circles location.

Fractal Tree

One of my first projects. Creating Fractal Tree using recursion, you can change angle for all branches using a lever

Fractal Tree

Creating Fractal Tree that based on OOP. In this version each branch have its specific features, that could be changed. At the end Life simulation was added.

Game Of Life

Implementing Conway's Game of Life. Here was used Terminal for interaction with a game. If you familiar with basic terminal that you weren't have any problems + I tried to add small introduction to the game.

Gift Wrapping Algorithm

Implementing Graph based algorithm for finding the convex hull. Complexity O(nh).

Graham Scan

Implementing Graph based algorithm for finding the convex hull. Complexity O(n log n)

Hamming Code

Create a realization of Hamming Code, that can detect uncorrected bit. For changing bit value just mouseClicked on it and the value will inverts. Left table shows raw data and the right shows already corrected

Handwriting Digit

Create a basic Neural Network project for detecting Handwriting Digit

Hilbert Curve

Creating Fractal space-filling curve. Can be used as a decoder from image to sound. On each mouse Click Hilbert Curve's order will increase.

Hilbert Curve + Steering Behavior

Using Hilbert Curve Algorithm with Steering Behavior for creating smoother changing between order increasing. Steering Behavior particle position on each turn point and on mouse click particle's target will be calculated and position will be changed.

(Cube in 4D)

Creating Hypercube using Computer Graphics Alg and Math. In this project I was forced to use 2D Canvas instead of 3D Canvas, because of low fps. You can rotate Hypercube by the chosen axises. For choosing just clicked on 3D or 4D axis in the right conner. For choosing several press Ctrl.

Fractal Tree

Generating fractal figures by using a simple string and some rules. This algorithm can model the growth processes of plant development. In this project I used several paters, Double Click will switch between them. Mouse Click will increased recursion step for drawing fractal

Driver for Nokia1202

I have a lcd from Nokia 1202, so I decided to create for it a small driver on Python. Fill Free to use it.

Marching Squares

Creating Computer graphic algorithm that generate contours for scale filed. Here I used Persil Nose for creating smooth transfigure.

Maze Generator
(The depth-first search algorithm)

Creating Maze Generator that based on method depth-first search. Here was used backtracking method that can be implemented with an explicit stack.

Maze Generator
(Recursive division method)

Creating Maze Generator that based on method recursive division.

(Marching Squares Alg)

Create Computer Graphic Algorithm based on Marching Squares and Linear Interpolation (for better visualization). Metaballs have the ability to meld together when in close proximity to create single.

Ouroboros Program
(Python → C++ → Python)

Creating a simple Worm or Cheating Quine. This program only knows how to reproduce next itself in the next language. Live chain: Python → C++ → Python. Created just for fun!

A* Path Finding Algorithm

First attempt in creating A* path finding Algorithm. Here map generated by random and algorithm should find the way from left upper conner to right down conner.

A* Path Finding Algorithm + Maze Generator

Combine A* Path Finding Algorithm and Maze Generator, because I'm the lazy ass and don't wanna create a barrier for Path finding and don't wanna solve Maze. Blue dot it's a start position and Red dot it's the end, use mouse click for set position. For Reset already found path just mouse click.

3D Terrain Generation
(Perlin Nose)

My first attempt on using Perlin Nose. Create a simple 3D Terrain with it.


First attempt on creating and using QuadTree as a data structure, that can improve performance at the specific cases.

Quick Sort with MPi

Testing Parallel Programming on my Cluster. Quick sort is a best solution for this, because after getting unsorted array master will split it on part based on nodes amount and combine it after. Increasing nodes amount will increase performance. Here I used MPi and Python I created a small delay for viewing this process.

Ray Casting 2D

First attempt on creating Ray Casting or Creating a Shadow behavior.

Ray Casting 3D

Create 3D effect that based on previous project (Ray Casting 2D). You can create a wall just double click on the canvas for setting a line point

Ray Casting 3D +
Maze Generator

Combine Maze Generator with Ray Casting 3D, because I'm a lazy ass and I don't wanna create a map by myself, so I decided Why should I building it if I can make a program that van do it for me.

Ray Casting 3D +
Maze Generator +
A* Path Finding Algorithm

At the previous project I made 3D Ray Casting with Maze Generator, so I should be happy because I don't need to thick about a map but it's a wrong though! Now I forced to solve this Maze for moving in there, but as like as in the previous project Why should I solve the maze by myself, if I could create a Path Finding program. For moving in this maze just select the position on the map and "player" will reach it.

Reaction Diffusion Algorithm

A simulation of 2 virtual chemicals reacting and diffusing on a 2D grid using the Gray-Scott model. Implement on 2 languages C++, Python

Spherical and Euclidean System


Sponge Fractal

Creating a simple fractal for practicing.

Steering Behavior

Creating a model that can move in a realistic manner. Here I implement steering behavior particles for showing text, also I add some different behavior such as: Explosion, Magnet, Flee and None, you can use Left/Right arrow key for switching the text. Click mouse for next text.

Steering Behavior +
Circle Packing +

Using previous algorithm I want to create at the end the image which is consist of Steering Behavior particle unfortunately the performance was so awful, that I decided to switch it to Circle Packing project. Maybe one day I will return to this project

(Based on: jQueryTerminal)

Creating a terminal using jQueryTerminal for input/output information.

Tetris in Console

I like the idea of Tetris blocks rotation, so I decided to implement it at the console using C++

Water Ripple

Creating Water Ripple Effect with specific calculation on matrix. I forced to decrees effect quality for better performance. You can create ripples when you pressing on the field

Creeper Worm
(Self-replication program)

Creating a simple Worm or Cheating Quine in other word the program that could copy itself and past it into other program. Implement it into 2 languages C++ and Python. Made it just for fun!